Sunday, July 29, 2012

notes on Renaissance Painting, Pasolini, Crosswalk and collage

Madonna and Child,  Giovanni Bellini, 1485-1490, The Met NYC

 Fra Angelico, The Annunciation, c. 1438-47, fresco (Convent of San Marco, Florence)

Pasolini's Mamma Roma (1962)              Mantegna's Dead Christ (1480)

 still from Crosswalk (2010)

from La Ricotta (1963) by Pier Paolo Pasolini (from the omnibus film RoGoPaG)

       La Desposizione 1521 Rosso Fiorentino

page from my directors sketchbook:

"The Crucifixion" by Andreas Pavias, is from the late 15th century.

"focus. this is an image meant to promote, as music can, time-suspending, space-vivifying contemplation.  Exactly this psycho-sensual dynamic lies at the heart of how icons, as spiritual utensils, function. I wish the exhibition made something of this, had taken as its third theme the reality of these objects not just as historical artifacts illustrating the progress of a culture or a famous career, but also as living and interactive energy sources, designed to embody and radiate charisma." 
Holland Cotter NYTimes

various  stills, Crosswalk, Jeanne Liotta 2010

Crosswalk (2010) by Jeanne Liotta, 19 minutes